Are your Employees Late because of Border Wait Times?
In this era of excessive wait times, especially if you are not enrolled in SENTRI or Global Entry, it is crucial for you and your workers to examine the possibility of acquiring one of these trusted travel programs. Bottom line, these programs would reduce wait times by 60-80% and probably more so if you are crossing by foot. Waiting 2-3 hours in line to work every day drains employees, hurts employers and contributes to pollution. So why are workers not applying for SENTRI or Global Entry?
Bottom line, because the vast majority have a resident alien card, which means they are supposed to live in the US. Many employers and workers don’t know they can change their resident alien card to a commuter card, which would then allow them to apply for Global Entry. Check out these videos to learn more about this program:
Click here to see English version
Click here to see Spanish version
If you are interested in learning more about this program and scheduling a presentation for your employees, please contact our Executive Director, Alejandra Mier y Teran at (619)661-6111