Massive ZE Emission Regulation for Trucks Passed in CA
The California Air Resources Board approved the "Advanced Clean Fleet Regulations” last week. This massive regulation is meant to transition heavy duty trucks to zero emission by 2035. Unfortunately, transition steps start as early as next January and this massive effort was not done collaboratively with unique players, such as cross-border trade stakeholders. While the Chamber met several times with CARB and proposed changes to the regulations, none of them were considered.
Considering that Mexico is California’s number one trading partner, we expect major inflationary and supply chain impacts from this regulation.
The Chamber supports reducing pollution and supporting public health for all workers and has proposed alternative ways to a accomplish these goals, such as a reservation system at the cargo port, which will reduce truck idling, enhanced enforcement from CARB for the Truck and Bus Rule. These lower cost scenarios would have been more effective tools and would have allowed technology to evolve so heavy duty trucks could transition to zero emissions with technology that is economically viable, such as electric trucks that can be charged more rapidly and that have a reduced weight (versus the ones that exist today) or while hydrogen trucks and stations evolve and are actually accessible to truckers.