SANDAG and the California Transportation Commission Release White Paper on the Zero Emission Transition in the Border Area
Thank you SANDAG and CTC for investing your expertise in analyzing the challenges and providing recommendations for the zero emission transition in our cross-border trade environment. Below is an excerpt from the Executive Summary and you can read the report here.
"Several unique challenges and barriers to effective ZE freight transition include incongruencies in regulations across the nation and CA-BC border, limited performance and charging infrastructure for ZE trucks, and effective outreach to the region’s diverse stakeholders. Economic impacts could go up and down the supply chain as transportation costs are likely to increase. Under any scenario in which the new ZE regulations cause higher shipping costs, there will be some decline in marginal economic activity, loss of jobs/economic output, and an accompanying rise in prices throughout the chain from producer to consumer. These losses may or may not be modest in comparison to benefits, but it is important to design policies in ways that minimize costs for the desired benefit.This paper identifies opportunities to facilitate the transition to ZE freight in the CA-BC border region, including infrastructure improvements, reducing border wait times, expanded incentives, pilot projects, consideration of hydrogen, workforce training, and other initiatives."